management team
Alexander N.Abramov
1. Ivanovo State Power Engineering University, qualified as: «Electrical Engineer»
2. Ural Polytechnical Institute, qualified as: «Production Management»
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Member of Russian State Duma Energy Committee
Alexander D.Terentiev
1. Ivanovo State Power Engineering University, qualified as: «Operation and maintenance of steam and gas turbines».
2. Saint Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics, qualified as «Economics, organization and management in power industry».
Finance Director
Ekaterina G.Tokareva
Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, qualified as «Financial Economist»
Chief Technology Officer
Roman S.Slautin
Saint Petersburg State Agrarian University, qualified as «Engineer»
«SEC» specializes on rehabilitation and maintenance of power engineering, oil-and-gas producing, oil refining and petrochemical plants ,including on-shore and off-shore facilities such as trestles, fuel storages and other metal structures as well as pipeline transport, housing and public utilities and other industrial facilities of enterprises operating power engineering units and equipment.
We study attentively our clients’ needs and propose both separate works and services and complex solutions as well, attaining realization of each specific project within optimal periods.
The goals do technical managers of enterprises mostly have to deal with they are:
— Increase of the equipment work reliability and safety.
— Decrease of the equipment physical deterioration.
— Reduction of the equipment obsolescence.
— Minimization of expenses on equipment operation.
— Decrease of energy intensity of finished product.
— Development and expansion of manufacture,
— introduction of innovations.
Modern repairing, building and engineering services is capable to offer Clients wide range of both simple and complex products aimed to tackle the listed goals.
The Company actively develops the most required directions of business:
— design;
— procurement;
— supply of equipment and spare parts;
— capital construction (including «on a turn-key basis»);
— monitoring, diagnostics and maintenance services;
— repairing;
— automation of production process;
— servicing;
— manufacture and delivery of materials,
— equipment and spare parts;
— electric power and heat supply.
Our Clients may choose any particular product basing on the required goals.
Any serious influence on facilities (repair, installation, modernization etc.) should basically have precisely worked out project design proving choice of the given variant of influence, defining technology of its carrying out. Efficiency of the influence is directly defined by level and quality of the project design study.
— To understand actual necessity of carrying out the influence on facilities, its economic efficiency.
— To get technical feasibility of optimum influence proceeding from the strategy of the Client in the market.
— To choose optimum technology of work.
— To foresee and minimize possible risks.
— To carry out proficient control of
— realization of the elaborated project design.
Role of a project design is not limited to economic and technical calculations. Project design is a guarantee of reliability and safety of the decision taken. For this reason development of project design should be carried out by the professional designers having not only large theoretical, but practical experience. Understanding this, SEC has engaged several enterprises specialized in design and elaboration development within its structure.
In order to implement large scale projects in power generation sector SEC established direct relations and signed contacts with the following design and industrial enterprises:
— All-Russia Thermal Engineering Institute;
— Central Scientific and Research Institute for Energy Machine-Building;
— Moscow Thermal Electric Design Institute (Teploelectroproekt);
— «Gaspromneft «
Maintenance service includes a complex of works that are carried out during the overhaul period. The level of modern technology development allows us execution of high-quality maintenance service including monitoring and diagnostics, not only to increase duration of life cycle of the equipment, reduce quantity of defects and emergency switching-off of the equipment, but also essentially reduce cost of repair service.

We offer Repairing Work with the basic purpose of restoration of working capacity and technical characteristics of power generation facilities.
Similarly capital construction, repairing can be executed «on a turn-key basis» when the organization undertakes not only carrying out the repairing, but also develops its project.
The product allows the Client:
— To restore technical parameters of object of repairing;
— To increase service life of object of repairing (duration of life cycle);
— To choose the most suitable at price and quality Contractor from a plenty of those in the repair market;
— An opportunity to receive service «on a turn-key basis»
SEC is equipped with high technologies of the repairing work manufacture, providing their high quality and this provides the Client essential economy of energy and ecological compatibility further on (after the end of repair and input of the equipment in operation).
SEC carries out modernization of capital equipment within the limits of repairs.
Acting as General Contractor, the Company takes obligations on corrective maintenance of a complex of objects, carrying out emergency works as well. It is additional convenience to the Client.

SEC actively implements automated processes in its operations including project design , project management as well as repair and maintenance operations;
This product allows the Client
— To raise production efficiency.
— To reduce number of industrial personnel
Automation is the tool which allows raising enterprise efficiency when all other tools have already been used.
Automation allows raising accuracy of processes, to decrease energy and materials consumption of the goods, to reduce costs and to increase volume of output. Power automation allows decreasing specific expenses of fuel for heat and electric power unit — the major parameter of production efficiency. Consequence of automation is reduction of human factor negative influence.
SEC professionally provides Clients with high quality service maintenance according with maintenance programs approved by a Client for 1, 3, 5 and more years of equipment operation under technical requirements of manufacturers and operation units of power generation, oil-and-gas facilities.
SEC already fulfilled a lot of maintenance projects in Russia, Iraq, Pakistan for power generation plants , transmission lines and oil-and-gas facilities.
SEC is involved in the process of training and education of local personnel as it indicated in each construction or rehabilitation contract.
Our Company has business relations and actual agreement with a number of Russian scientific and research institutions, such as Corporate Energy Institute of Moscow, where SEC in 2012-2017 carried out training of more than 60 Iraqi experts from the Ministry of Electricity of Iraq of different specialties and issued appropriate certificates.
High level of business process engineering in the Company at all stages from elaboration of design documentation to commissioning of a facility is proved by standard certificate ISO 9001:2008. The implementation of the basic principles of quality management system is evaluated through annual internal and external audits and it allows to increase the efficiency of operating activities of the Company. Effective operation of the SEC quality management system is being achieved by the team-work of personnel, resources and facilities control.